Posteado por: comeniusbengabirol | diciembre 20, 2009

Official recognition to Andalusian schools participating in Comenius Projects

Last 28th October, the Educational Board of our Autonomous Community in collaboration with the Spanish National Agency, in charge of the Educational European Programmes, held a ceremony in the historical city of Córdoba. All the Andalusian schools which have been involved in Multilateral Comenius Associations were invited to the mentioned event.

Among these schools is our school, IES Ben Gabirol. Our school has been involved and completed two previous Comenius projects: “the Threes of Culture”, with our partners from Northern Ireland and Germany and “Hands across Europe”, more ambitious, with Northern Ireland, Germany, Latvia and Italy. Now, we have just started a third Project with the same partner schools. The official event started with a speech by the Head of the Spanish National Agency which focused on the main objectives of the European programmes : promoting, raising and broadening the European awareness of all participants.

By sharing our cultural heritage, values and lifestyles with our partners in Europe. After that the schools representatives invited to the event were given a commemorative plaque for their participation in Comenius school partnerships. Finally, lunch was served and everybody agreed it was a great opportunity to meet colleagues from all the cities in Andalusia, exchange ideas, opinions, worries and concerns about our respective teaching experiences.

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